This page was last updated on: February 27, 2015
There were Brownie troops as early as 1920's, but it was not until 1952 that Brownie got their very own handbook. With this box a troop can learn about the very earliest Brownies, their Promise and Law.  Girls can examine a Brownie uniform worn in the era, complete with pins, beanie, socks, and change purse.  Suggestions of a handkerchief dolls from the 1952 Handbook are also give as a craft activity.

This box is designed for delivery by the leader or parent.  Review of the material is highly recommended. A lap top computer to show the Powerpoint presentation is suggested but a printed copy of the presentation is included in the box.
The 1952 Brownie Program Box
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Powerpont presentation Brownie History  >>>>>>
Promise click for a larger printable Promise >>>>>
Brownie History booklet with activities and paper dolls.PDF