Camp May Flather 1980 - 89
We need photos and memories  - please contact us @

I went there once, summer of '80, summer I turned ten. Still have the patch; it looks the same as the one on your website ( Haven't yet found pictures from there and haven't been back since (almost went to the reunion) although I have a few vague memories... ...male counselor who wore a hat w/ a rattle on it from a rattlesnake he'd killed; trying to whittle by myself near the fire circle; walks to the latrine in the dark; NOT going when it was dark & rainy; walks up a steep, narrow path to crafts singing "The Ants Go Marching"; making a leather change purse; sleeping in a platform tent (think there were 6, possibly 9, cots - 3 rows; I was in the middle row with my feet toward the entrance) with the fire circle and the latrine off to the right as you faced it; getting up super-early once or twice for the Polar Bear Swim but deciding that even though I had fun I'd rather sleep in; cutting through one of my nails by closing my jackknife fully i/o halfway... What I *did* find was a pic of me with my mom and brother in an amusement park line, with me wearing my May Flather shirt. That's attached. I also went to Crowell at least once back then, '79 I think. It was a "Small World" theme according to my patch. I remember riding the bus for that and singing but not a lot else. It was the summer I turned nine, so it was a while ago. Arial Kagan Masters