The Archives Committee is charged by the Board of Directors of the Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital with preserving and protecting the documents and materials which reflect the history of the Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital and its preceding entities, and with fostering knowledge and appreciation of the rich history of this Council and the Girl Scout movement.
The Archives Committee maintains various collections within the Archives to further these goals. They include:
The Uniform, Badges, Insignia and Patch Collections contain original and reproduction official uniforms, accessories and recognitions worn by girls and adults from 1912 to the present.
The Corporate Documents Collection contains charters, deeds, minutes, and reports of the proceedings of GSCNC since it charter in 1963.
The Books and Publications Collections contain the handbooks, badge books, song books, fiction, program resources, catalogues, Leader magazines, official calendars, American Girl magazines, Capitalk, Capital Notes, and several other publications that record and reflect the history of Girl Scouting locally and nationally.
The Photographs and History Collections contain photographs of past dignitaries, camp, troop, council and national activities. A Personality file contains photos, personal histories, news items and obituaries of former and current members of GSCNC.
The Tape and Media/ Living History Collections contain Video and audio tapes of interviews and programs recalling important events in the development and history of the council. There are also detailed histories researched and written by member of the Archives committee.
The Non-Uniform Equipment and Artifacts Collections
contain camp uniforms gear and equipment, games, dolls, jewelry, scarves, handkerchiefs, mugs, plates and various collectibles and merchandise that were marketed by the National Equipment Service or GSCNC
We are actively recuiting new members - and a new status of Auxillary members.
Active members are required to attend regular meeting of the Archives Committee and take a leadership role for one or more of the "collection". To participate in the various Programs scheduled by the committee.
Auxilliary members are not required to attend regular Archive meeting but agree to be respondsible for singular and/limited assignments in an area of program delivery or collection maintenance.
People we need:
History Presenters - Ideally we would like to have a couple of "on call" person who will go to troops with a history presentation in each association (appointment yearly)
Presentations are usually about 40 minutes and can be on Brownie uniforms, Girls Scout uniforms, Badges (various)"Then to Now", Games "Old ARE new", History of one of the camps, Juliette Low history, Older girl programs ie. "How GS help in WWII", Mariner Programs etc.. The committe will help anyone develop a program with your personal material or with loaned items from the collection.
Program Researchers Design and Development - Girl Scouting has a rich history and GSCNC has an extensive collection of items, that need to be used and appreciated by our membership. We need volunteers to design - display windows (on and off site), themed programs/wide-games for Association and SU events, and self-delivered Program Boxes for individual leaders. Power Point or videos that could be distributed.
Helping Hands - Assist with cleaning and mending of donated materials, sewing badges and insignia on display uniforms, filing monthly program and corporate materials, assiting collection chairs in identifying,cataloguing and storing donations, input of information to computer text file typing ans well as database input. Word and/or Access programs.
Living History Interviewers - Using a video cam (prefered) or Camera and tape . Interview and collect personal stories from persons active in GSCNC and it previous entities, This is a critical need we have a back log of people who need to be interviewed ASAP. We also have a need for a person or two who would transcribe earlier taped interviews to computer text files.